Research Article
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Türkiye’de Motosiklet Şeridi Gerekliliği ve Tasarım Önerisi

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 73 - 84


Bu çalışmada, şehirlerde meydana gelen trafik sıkışıklığına ve sorunlarına çözüm getirmek amacıyla araç türleri incelenmiş ve motosiklet sürücülerinin problemleri göz önüne alınarak çözüm önerileri ile trafik yoğunluğunu önleyecek bir motosiklet şeridi tasarım önerisi geliştirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında ilk olarak motosiklet kullanıcılarının ve araç kullanıcılarının güncel sorunları incelenmiş, motosikletler için yeni bir şerit ihtiyacının gerekliliği tartışılmıştır. Araştırmanın devamında motosiklet kullanıcılarının oranlarının tespiti ve bu oranların yıllara bağlı değişimi tespit edilmiş ve son yıllarda trafikteki motosiklet kullanıcılarının sayılarında büyük bir oranda artış görülmüştür. Çalışmada anket metodu kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler göz önüne alınarak, motosikletlere şerit ihtiyacının ne kadar gerekli olduğunun tespiti için hem motosiklet kullanıcılarına hem de araç kullanıcılarına trafikteki güncel sorunlar ve sorulardan oluşan iki farklı anket hazırlanmıştır. Anket sonuçları değerlendirilerek mevcut ihtiyaca göre şerit tasarımının gerekliliğinin nedenleri tespit edilerek, mevcut isteklere ve ihtiyaca uygun motosiklet şerit tasarımı oluşturulmuştur.


  • [1] Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. (2020). Road Accidents in India 2019, URL :
  • [2] Saini, H.K., Chouhan, S.S. and Kathuria, A. (2022). Exclusive Motorcycle Lanes: A Systematic Review, IATSS Research, 46, 411-426.
  • [3] Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. (2017). Road Transport Year Book (2017 - 2018 & 2018 - 2019). URL :
  • [4] Kurniati, T, Purnawan, Yosritzal ve Putri, E.E., (2020). Evaluation of the implementation of the motorcycle lane based onthe riding experience, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 771,
  • [5] International Road Federation, (2016). World Road Statistics 2016. Geneva, Switzerland, International Road Federation.
  • [6] Law, T. H. ve Sohadi, R. U. R., (2005). Determination of comfortable safe width in an exclusive motorcycle lane, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6,3372–3385.
  • [7] Mama, S. ve Taneerananon, P., (2016). Effective motorcycle lane configuration Thailand: a case study of southern Thailand, Engineering Journal, 20(3), 113-121.
  • [8] Rajabi, M. R. A., (2012). Determination of Ideal Width for Exclusive Motorcycle Lane along the Straight Section of Federal Highway, Universiti Putra, Malaysia.
  • [9] Hussain, H., Farhan, M.S.A., . Umar, R.S. R and Dadang, M. M., (2005). Key components of a motorcycle-traffic system: a study along the motorcycle path in Malaysia, IATSS Research, 29, 50–56.
  • [10]Yahaya, A. B., Ako,T., Atoo, A. A., and Yusuf, I. T., (2016). Determination of macroscopic traffic flow characteristics on an urban arterial using the moving car observer method, USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, 14, 1601–1625.
  • [11] Minh, C. C., Sano, K. ve Matsumoto, S., (2005). The speed, flow and headway analyses of motorcycle traffic, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6,1496 – 1508.
  • [12] Faezi,S. F., Hamid, H., and Davoodi, S. R., (2011). Predicting speed model of horizontal curves on exclusive motorcycle lane, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(5): 590-598.
  • [13] Tung, S. H., Wong, S. V., Law, T. H., & Radin Umar, R. S. (2008). Crashes with roadside objects along motorcycle lanes in Malaysia, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(2), 205–210.
  • [14] Tan, K. S., Tan, W., & Wong, S. V. (2008). Design of motorcyclist-friendly guardrail using finite element analysis, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(5), 567–577.
  • [15] Ibrahim, M. K. A., Hamid, H., Hua L. T., and Voon, S. V., (2018). Evaluating the effect of lane width and roadside configurations on speed, lateral position and likelihood of comfortable overtaking in exclusive motorcycle lane, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 111, 63–70.

Motorcycle Lane Requirement and Design Recommendation in Türkiye

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 73 - 84


In order to address traffic congestion and other issues in cities, various vehicle types were investigated in this study. A motorcycle lane design concept was created by taking into account proposals for solutions as well as the issues faced by motorcycle riders. Within the parameters of the research, the need for a new motorcycle lane was explored, as well as the challenges that now face both motorcycle riders and car users. A notable rise in the number of motorcycle riders in traffic has been seen in recent years, according to the study's continuation, which also looked at the rates of motorcycle users and how these rates have changed over time. In the study, the survey method was applied. In light of the data gathered, two distinct surveys were created with questions on current traffic issues and tailored for both motorcycle and car users to ascertain the degree to which motorcycle lanes are required. A motorcycle lane design appropriate for the demands and needs of the present was produced after the survey findings were assessed and the reasons why lane design in accordance with current needs was identified.


  • [1] Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. (2020). Road Accidents in India 2019, URL :
  • [2] Saini, H.K., Chouhan, S.S. and Kathuria, A. (2022). Exclusive Motorcycle Lanes: A Systematic Review, IATSS Research, 46, 411-426.
  • [3] Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. (2017). Road Transport Year Book (2017 - 2018 & 2018 - 2019). URL :
  • [4] Kurniati, T, Purnawan, Yosritzal ve Putri, E.E., (2020). Evaluation of the implementation of the motorcycle lane based onthe riding experience, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 771,
  • [5] International Road Federation, (2016). World Road Statistics 2016. Geneva, Switzerland, International Road Federation.
  • [6] Law, T. H. ve Sohadi, R. U. R., (2005). Determination of comfortable safe width in an exclusive motorcycle lane, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6,3372–3385.
  • [7] Mama, S. ve Taneerananon, P., (2016). Effective motorcycle lane configuration Thailand: a case study of southern Thailand, Engineering Journal, 20(3), 113-121.
  • [8] Rajabi, M. R. A., (2012). Determination of Ideal Width for Exclusive Motorcycle Lane along the Straight Section of Federal Highway, Universiti Putra, Malaysia.
  • [9] Hussain, H., Farhan, M.S.A., . Umar, R.S. R and Dadang, M. M., (2005). Key components of a motorcycle-traffic system: a study along the motorcycle path in Malaysia, IATSS Research, 29, 50–56.
  • [10]Yahaya, A. B., Ako,T., Atoo, A. A., and Yusuf, I. T., (2016). Determination of macroscopic traffic flow characteristics on an urban arterial using the moving car observer method, USEP: Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering, 14, 1601–1625.
  • [11] Minh, C. C., Sano, K. ve Matsumoto, S., (2005). The speed, flow and headway analyses of motorcycle traffic, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6,1496 – 1508.
  • [12] Faezi,S. F., Hamid, H., and Davoodi, S. R., (2011). Predicting speed model of horizontal curves on exclusive motorcycle lane, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(5): 590-598.
  • [13] Tung, S. H., Wong, S. V., Law, T. H., & Radin Umar, R. S. (2008). Crashes with roadside objects along motorcycle lanes in Malaysia, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(2), 205–210.
  • [14] Tan, K. S., Tan, W., & Wong, S. V. (2008). Design of motorcyclist-friendly guardrail using finite element analysis, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 13(5), 567–577.
  • [15] Ibrahim, M. K. A., Hamid, H., Hua L. T., and Voon, S. V., (2018). Evaluating the effect of lane width and roadside configurations on speed, lateral position and likelihood of comfortable overtaking in exclusive motorcycle lane, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 111, 63–70.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Transportation and Traffic, Transportation Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Battal Şal 0000-0002-2308-7933

Erdem Taştekin 0009-0008-4393-3923

Buğratürk Akdoğan 0009-0004-8661-1829

Publication Date
Submission Date September 17, 2024
Acceptance Date September 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Battal Şal, Ö., Taştekin, E., & Akdoğan, B. (n.d.). Türkiye’de Motosiklet Şeridi Gerekliliği ve Tasarım Önerisi. Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering, 8(2), 73-84.

Aksaray J. Sci. Eng. | e-ISSN: 2587-1277 | Period: Biannually | Founded: 2017 | Publisher: Aksaray University |

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