Process Policy

ASUJSE do not charge;

  •  Article submission charges (ASCs)
  • article processing charges (APCs)    for the authors.

ASUJSE Peer Review Process 

Once you submit the paper to ASUJSE, the editor-in-cheif (or Co-editor) screens the manuscript and decides whether or not to send it for section editors for pre-view. The section aditor also screens the MS and decides whether or not to send it for full peer review. Only after clearing the initial screening is the manuscript sent to at least two peer reviewers. Finally, journal editors or the journal’s editorial board consider the peer reviewers’ reports and make the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript for publication.

  • ASUJSE uses  "Blind peer review (reviewers' identities are kept hidden from authors)" process. 

Last Update Time: 5/2/23, 10:52:55 PM

Aksaray J. Sci. Eng. | e-ISSN: 2587-1277 | Period: Biannually | Founded: 2017 | Publisher: Aksaray University |

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