Writing Rules

Authors should kindly note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Copyright form:
The corresponding author should sign copyright form and upload as a pdf file to evaluation system or send by an e-mail.

Data protection:
By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication.

The language of publication is English.

Cover Letters:
Cover letters are not mandatory; however, they may be supplied at the author’s discretion.

Manuscript Categories & Requirements:
Manuscripts should be uploaded as PDF files (including all figures and tables, not write-protected). The PDF file will be used for the review process. The PDF file must contain the entire manuscript including title page, abstract, text, references, tables and figures. Manuscripts should be formatted as described in the Author Guidelines below.

Author Guidelines:
The main text should be paginated, starting with the Title/Abstract page and ending with the Reference page(s).

Manuscripts must be typewritten with one spacing and wide margins (20mm) at all sides.

A font type of "Times New Roman" and size of "11 points" is required.

Names of the authors and their affiliations must be centralized followed by abstract.

Title should be in lower case characters except the first letter.

Corresponding Author's name should be identified with a superscript asterisk * (Example: Nihat AKGÜNEŞ*).

The abstract (not exceeding 300 words) should state the objectives achieved and give main findings of the work described in the paper.

Keywords relating to the concerned subject should be given in alphabetical order separated by semicolons.

E-mail and contact address of all Authors should be present in the first page of the manuscript.

Equations should be numbered sequentially in the right-hand side and in parenthesis. They should be referred to in the text as Equation 4.

All Figures and tables should be numbered serially and should appear in text in order. All composite figures and tables should be mounted together and the parts labeled (a), (b), (c), etc.

References should be listed and numbered in the References section with alphabetical order of the first author’s surname. For example:

[1] Abhilash, P.A., Harikrishnan, R., Indira, M. (2013) Ascorbic acid is superior to silymarin in the recovery of ethanol-induced inflammatory reactions in hepatocytes of guinea pigs. Journal of Physiological Biochemistry, 69(4):785-798.

[2] Al-Hasan, R. (2000) Oil accumulation by picophytoplanktons from the Arabian Gulf. Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific conference on Algal Biotechnology. The Asia-Pacific Society for Applied Physiology. Hong Kong, China.

[3] Jenny, H. (1980) The soil resources. Springer-Berlag, Berlin.

[4] Redha, A. (1998) Induction and analysis of chromosome doubling of microspore derived wheat haploids. Ph.D. thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.

Contributions from anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed, with permission from the contributor, in an Acknowledgments section. Financial and material support should also be mentioned. Thanks to anonymous reviewers are not appropriate.

After acceptance:

Manuscripts should be uploaded as Word (.doc or .docx) LaTeX or AMS-LaTeX (.tex) files to compile the final version of the papers once that they are accepted for publication (including all figures and tables, not write-protected).

Please note that we cannot accept electronic files produced on any other typesetting or processing system.

Online First:
The article will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs.

Publication Charges:
No submission or processing fees are required.