Research Article
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Geological, Petrographical and Geochemical Properties of Pyroclastic Rocks in the Civanadag Region (Gugu-Balikesir), NW Turkey

Year 2018, , 95 - 115, 29.12.2018


The study area is located between Balikesir-Dursunbey and Kutahya-Simav
districts. According to the field studies and petrographic studies on Civanadag
tuffs, it is determined that this unit is formed by two different facies as
Upper (fine-grained laminated facies) and Lower (pumice accumulation facies) facies.
Lower facies begins with tuffs which are rich by pumice contains metamorphic
gravel. Upper level of facies, size of pumice and lithic components decrease.
The fine-grained laminated upper facies begins with pink-colored lithic-vitric
tuff, vitric tuffs and whitish-gray lithic-vitric tuffs. The uppermost level is
represented by abundant green coloured biotite crystal-vitric tuffs. Tuffs end
with agglomerates. Pyrogen minerals determined in the petrographic
investigations of Civanadag tuffs; quartz +sanidine +plagioclase +biotite
± amphibole. Major, trace and rare earth element contents of Civanadag
tuff, which is characterized by their rhyolite, dacite composition,
calc-alkaline, show fractional crystallization process which is chiefly
controlled by K-feldspar and plagioclase. Also high K and Rb contents in the
spider diagram indicate the presence of crustal contamination and magma mixing. 


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  • [7] G. Seyitoğlu, Late Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary development of the Selendi and Uşak-Güre basins; a contribution to the discussion on the development of east-west and North trending basins in western Anatolia. Geol. Mag. 134 (1997) 163-175.
  • [8] G. Seyitoğlu, A. Duncan, N. Geoff, B. Scott, The evolution from Miocene potassic to Quaternary sodic magmatism in western Turkey: implications for enrichment processes in the litospheric mantle. Jour. of theVolc. And Geoth. Res. 76 (1997) 127-147.
  • [9] A. Koçyiğit, H. Yusufoğlu, E. Bozkurt, Evidence from the Gediz Graben for episodic two-stage extension in western Turkey. J. Geol. Soc. London. 156 (1999) 605-616.
  • [10] Y. Yılmaz, Ş.C. Genç, F. Gürer, M. Bozcu, K. Yılmaz, Z. Karacık, Ş. Altunkaynak, A. Elmas, When did the western Anatolian grabens begin to develop? From: Bozkurt, E., Winchester, J.A., Piperi J.A.D. (eds.), Tectonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surraunding Area. J. Geol. Soc. London. 173 (2000) 131-162.
  • [11] E. Bozkurt, Neotectonics of Turkey – a synthesis. Geodin. Acta.14 (2001) 3-30
  • [12] E. Bozkurt, Origin of NE-trending basins of western Turkey. Geodin. Acta. 16 (2003) 61-81.
  • [13] E. Bozkurt, H. Sözbilir, Tectonic evolution of the Gediz Graben; field evidence for an episodic, two-stage extension in western Turkey. Geol. Mag. 141 (2004) 63-79.
  • [14] M. Purvis, A.H.F. Robertson, A pulsed extension model fort he Neogene-Recent E-W-trending Alaşehir Graben and the NE-SW trending Selendi and Gördes basins, western Turkey. Tectonophysics. 391 (2004) 171-201.
  • [15] M. Purvis, A.H.F. Robertson, Miocene sedimentary evolution of the NE-SW-trending Selendi and Gördes basins, Western Turkey: implications for extensional processes. Sediment. Geol. 174 (2005) 31-62.
  • [16] M. Purvis, A.H.F. Robertson, M. Pringle, 40Ar-39Ar dating of biotite and sanidine in tuffaceous sediments and related intrusive rocks: implicationsfor the Early Miocene evolution of the Gördes and Selendi Basins, W Turkey. Geodin. Acta. 18 (2005) 239-254.
  • [17] Y. Ersoy, C. Helvacı, Stratigraphy and Geochemical Features of the Early Miocene Bimodal (Ultrapotassic and ;Calcalkaline) volcanic activity within the NE-trending Selendi Basin, Western Anatolia, Turkey. Türk. J. Earth Sci. 16 (2007) 1-23.
  • [18] A.M.C. Şengör, Y. Yılmaz, Tethyan Evolution of Turkey: A Plate Tectonic Approach. Tectonophysics. 75 (1981) 181-241.
  • [19] E. Bingöl, M. Delaloye, G. Ataman, Granitic intrusionas in western anatolia: a contribution to the geodynamic study of this area. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 75 (1982) 437-446.
  • [20] F. Innocenti, P. Manetti, R. Mazzuoli, G. Pasquare, L. Villari, Regional distribution and character of active andasite volcanism-Anatolia and north-western Iran, In orogenic Andasites and Related Rocks. (ed R.S.Thorpe) pp.327-349. New Iran, In orogenic Andasites and Related Rocks (1982) 327-349.
  • [21] E. Aldanmaz, J.A. Pearce, M.F. Thirwall, J.G. Mitchell, Petrogenetic evolution of late Cenozoic, post-collision volcanism in western Anatolia, Turkey. Jour. of Volc. and Geoth. Res. 102 (2000) 67-95.
  • [22] Y. Yılmaz, Ş.C. Genç, Z. Karacık, Ş. Altunkaynak, Two contrasting magmatic associations of NW Anatolia and their tectonic significance. J. Geodyn. 31 (2001) 243-271.
  • [23] M. Fytikas, O. Giulianni, F. Innocenti, P. Manetti, R. Mazzuoli, A. Peccerillo, L. Villari, Neogene volcanism of the Northern and Central Aegean region. Ann. Geol. Pays Hellen. 30 (1980) 106.
  • [24] Y. Yılmaz, An apprroach to the origin of young volcanic rocks of Western Turkey. In A. M. C. Şengör (Editor), Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan Region. Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. 259 (1989) 159-189.
  • [25] Y. Yılmaz, Comparison of young volcanic associations of western and eastern Anatolia formed under a compressional regime: a review. Jour. of Volc. and Geoth. Res. 44 (1990) 1-19.
  • [26] Y. Savaşçın, N. Güleç, Neogene volcanism of western Anatolia-Field excursion B3. Int. Earth Sci. Congr. on Aegean Region. İzmir, Turkey. (1990).
  • [27] N. Akdeniz, N. Konak, Menderes Masifi’nin Simav dolayındaki kaya birimleri, ve metabazik, metaultrabazik kayaların konumu, TJK Bülteni, 22 (1979) 175-184.
  • [28] M. Delaloye, E. Bingöl, Granitoids from Western and Northwestern Anatolia: Geochemistry and Modeling of Geodynamic Evolution. Int. Geol. Rev. 42 (2000) 241-268.
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  • [30] F. Erkul, S.T. Erkul, S.T. Geology of the Early Miocene Alacamdağ magmatic complex and implications for the western Anatolian extensional tectonics. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) 141 (2010) 1-25.
  • [31] F. Erkül, C. Helvacı, H. Sözbilir, Evidence for two episodes of volcanism in the Bigadiç borate basin and tectonic implications for western Turkey. Geol. Jour. 47 (2005) 545-570.
  • [32] N. Konak, Simav dolayının jeolojisi ve metamorf kayaçlarının evrimi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri, 3 (1982) 313-337.
  • [33] T. Ercan, A. Dinçel, S. Metin, A. Türkecan, E. Günay, Uşak yöresindeki neojen havzaların jeolojisi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 21 (1978) 97-106.
  • [34] R.W. Le Maitre, A classification of ıgneous rocks and glossary of terms. Recommendations of the IUGS Commission on the systematics of Igneous rocks. Oxford: Black well (1989).
  • [35] T.N. Irvine, W.R.A. Baragar, A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can. J. Earth Sci. 8 (1971) 523-548.
  • [36] H.R. Rollinson, Using Gochemical Data: Evaluation, Pressentation, Interpretation. Longman Scientific&Technical, New York (1992) 252.
  • [37] T. Koralay, İncesu İgnimbiritnin (Kayseri) jeolojisi, petrolojisi ve ayırtman özellikleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Üniversitesi Enstitüsü, Ankara (2006).
  • [38] S. Sun, W.F. McDonough, Chemical isotopic systematic of oceanic basalts: implications for mantle compositions and processes. Magmatism in the Oceanic Basins, A.D. Saunders and M.J. Norry (eds) . J. Geol. Soc. London. 42 (1989) 313-345.
  • [39] J.A. Pearce, Role of the sub-continental lithosphere in magma genesis at active continental margins. Continental Basalts and Mantle Xenoliths, C.J. Hawkesworth and M.J. Norry (eds), Shiva, Cheshire (1983) 230-249.
  • [40] J.B. Gill, Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tectonics. Springer, Berlin (1981) 390

Civanadağ Bölgesi (Güğü-Balıkesir) Piroklastik Kayaçlarının Jeolojik, Petrografik ve Jeokimyasal Özellikleri, KB-Türkiye

Year 2018, , 95 - 115, 29.12.2018


Çalışma alanı Balıkesir-Dursunbey ile
Kütahya-Simav ilçeleri arasında yer almaktadır
. Civanadağ
tüfleri üzerinde yapılan arazi ve petrografik çalışmalara göre, birimin alt (pomza
yığışım fasiyesi) ve üst (ince taneli laminalı fasiyes) fasiyes olmak üzere iki
farklı fasiyesten oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Alt fasiyes, metamorfik çakıl
içerikli pomzaca zengin tüfler ile başlamakta olup, üst seviyelerde pomza ve
litik bileşen boyutu azalmaktadır. İnce taneli ve yer yer laminalanma gösteren
üst fasiyes ise, pembe renkli, litik-vitrik tüf, vitrik tüfler ve beyazımsı gri
renkli litik-vitrik tüfler ile başlamaktadır. Beyaz renkli kristal-vitrik tüf
ve vitrik-kristal tüf ile devam etmektedir. En üst seviyesi ise, yeşil renkli
bol biyotitli kristal-vitrik tüfler ile temsil edilmektedir. Tüfler, aglomeralar
ile son bulmaktadır.
Civanadağ tüflerinin petrografik incelemelerinde saptanan pirojen mineraller; kuvars
+sanidin  +plajioklas +biyotit ±amfiboldür.
Riyolit, dasit bileşimli
kalkalkalen karakterli özelliğe sahip Civanadağ tüflerinin ana oksit, iz ve
nadir toprak element içerikleri tüfün gelişiminde fraksiyonel kristallenmenin önemli
bir rol oynadığını, bu kristallenmenin başlıca K-feldispat ve plajiyoklas
tarafından kontrol edildiğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca örümcek diyagramındaki
yüksek K ve Rb içeriği, kabuk kirlenmesi ve magma karışımının varlığına işaret


  • [1] T. Ercan, A. Türkecan, A. Dinçel, E. Günay, Kula-Selendi (Manisa) dolaylarının jeolojisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 17 (1983) 3-29.
  • [2] A.M.C. Şengör, Türkiye’nin Neotektoniğinin esasları. Türk. Jeol. Kur. Konf. Ser. 2 (1980) 40.
  • [3] A.M.C. Şengör, Cross-faults and differential stretching of hanging walls in regions of low angle normal faulting: Examples from western Turkey. In Continental Extensional Tectonics (eds M. P. Coward, J. F. Dewey and P. L. Hancock). Geological Society Special Publication no. 28 (1987) 575–89.
  • [4] G. Seyitoğlu, B.C. Scott, Late Cenozoic crustal extension and basin formation in west Turkey. Geol. Mag., 128 (1991) 155–66.
  • [5] G. Seyitoğlu, B.C. Scott, The cause of N–S extensional tectonics in western Turkey: Tectonic escape vs Back-arc spreading vs orogenic collapse. J. Geodyn,. 22 (1996) 145–53.
  • [6] T. Emre, Gediz grabeninin jeolojisi ve tektoniği. Türk. J. Earth Sci. 5 (1996) 171-185.
  • [7] G. Seyitoğlu, Late Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary development of the Selendi and Uşak-Güre basins; a contribution to the discussion on the development of east-west and North trending basins in western Anatolia. Geol. Mag. 134 (1997) 163-175.
  • [8] G. Seyitoğlu, A. Duncan, N. Geoff, B. Scott, The evolution from Miocene potassic to Quaternary sodic magmatism in western Turkey: implications for enrichment processes in the litospheric mantle. Jour. of theVolc. And Geoth. Res. 76 (1997) 127-147.
  • [9] A. Koçyiğit, H. Yusufoğlu, E. Bozkurt, Evidence from the Gediz Graben for episodic two-stage extension in western Turkey. J. Geol. Soc. London. 156 (1999) 605-616.
  • [10] Y. Yılmaz, Ş.C. Genç, F. Gürer, M. Bozcu, K. Yılmaz, Z. Karacık, Ş. Altunkaynak, A. Elmas, When did the western Anatolian grabens begin to develop? From: Bozkurt, E., Winchester, J.A., Piperi J.A.D. (eds.), Tectonics and Magmatism in Turkey and the Surraunding Area. J. Geol. Soc. London. 173 (2000) 131-162.
  • [11] E. Bozkurt, Neotectonics of Turkey – a synthesis. Geodin. Acta.14 (2001) 3-30
  • [12] E. Bozkurt, Origin of NE-trending basins of western Turkey. Geodin. Acta. 16 (2003) 61-81.
  • [13] E. Bozkurt, H. Sözbilir, Tectonic evolution of the Gediz Graben; field evidence for an episodic, two-stage extension in western Turkey. Geol. Mag. 141 (2004) 63-79.
  • [14] M. Purvis, A.H.F. Robertson, A pulsed extension model fort he Neogene-Recent E-W-trending Alaşehir Graben and the NE-SW trending Selendi and Gördes basins, western Turkey. Tectonophysics. 391 (2004) 171-201.
  • [15] M. Purvis, A.H.F. Robertson, Miocene sedimentary evolution of the NE-SW-trending Selendi and Gördes basins, Western Turkey: implications for extensional processes. Sediment. Geol. 174 (2005) 31-62.
  • [16] M. Purvis, A.H.F. Robertson, M. Pringle, 40Ar-39Ar dating of biotite and sanidine in tuffaceous sediments and related intrusive rocks: implicationsfor the Early Miocene evolution of the Gördes and Selendi Basins, W Turkey. Geodin. Acta. 18 (2005) 239-254.
  • [17] Y. Ersoy, C. Helvacı, Stratigraphy and Geochemical Features of the Early Miocene Bimodal (Ultrapotassic and ;Calcalkaline) volcanic activity within the NE-trending Selendi Basin, Western Anatolia, Turkey. Türk. J. Earth Sci. 16 (2007) 1-23.
  • [18] A.M.C. Şengör, Y. Yılmaz, Tethyan Evolution of Turkey: A Plate Tectonic Approach. Tectonophysics. 75 (1981) 181-241.
  • [19] E. Bingöl, M. Delaloye, G. Ataman, Granitic intrusionas in western anatolia: a contribution to the geodynamic study of this area. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 75 (1982) 437-446.
  • [20] F. Innocenti, P. Manetti, R. Mazzuoli, G. Pasquare, L. Villari, Regional distribution and character of active andasite volcanism-Anatolia and north-western Iran, In orogenic Andasites and Related Rocks. (ed R.S.Thorpe) pp.327-349. New Iran, In orogenic Andasites and Related Rocks (1982) 327-349.
  • [21] E. Aldanmaz, J.A. Pearce, M.F. Thirwall, J.G. Mitchell, Petrogenetic evolution of late Cenozoic, post-collision volcanism in western Anatolia, Turkey. Jour. of Volc. and Geoth. Res. 102 (2000) 67-95.
  • [22] Y. Yılmaz, Ş.C. Genç, Z. Karacık, Ş. Altunkaynak, Two contrasting magmatic associations of NW Anatolia and their tectonic significance. J. Geodyn. 31 (2001) 243-271.
  • [23] M. Fytikas, O. Giulianni, F. Innocenti, P. Manetti, R. Mazzuoli, A. Peccerillo, L. Villari, Neogene volcanism of the Northern and Central Aegean region. Ann. Geol. Pays Hellen. 30 (1980) 106.
  • [24] Y. Yılmaz, An apprroach to the origin of young volcanic rocks of Western Turkey. In A. M. C. Şengör (Editor), Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan Region. Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. 259 (1989) 159-189.
  • [25] Y. Yılmaz, Comparison of young volcanic associations of western and eastern Anatolia formed under a compressional regime: a review. Jour. of Volc. and Geoth. Res. 44 (1990) 1-19.
  • [26] Y. Savaşçın, N. Güleç, Neogene volcanism of western Anatolia-Field excursion B3. Int. Earth Sci. Congr. on Aegean Region. İzmir, Turkey. (1990).
  • [27] N. Akdeniz, N. Konak, Menderes Masifi’nin Simav dolayındaki kaya birimleri, ve metabazik, metaultrabazik kayaların konumu, TJK Bülteni, 22 (1979) 175-184.
  • [28] M. Delaloye, E. Bingöl, Granitoids from Western and Northwestern Anatolia: Geochemistry and Modeling of Geodynamic Evolution. Int. Geol. Rev. 42 (2000) 241-268.
  • [29] A. Hasözbek, B. Erdoğan, M. Satır, Alaçam Dağları’nın Jeolojisi ve Alaçam Graniti’nin Jeolojik Konumu (Balıkesir, Batı Anadolu), 62. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri, Ankara (2009).
  • [30] F. Erkul, S.T. Erkul, S.T. Geology of the Early Miocene Alacamdağ magmatic complex and implications for the western Anatolian extensional tectonics. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Institute of Turkey (MTA) 141 (2010) 1-25.
  • [31] F. Erkül, C. Helvacı, H. Sözbilir, Evidence for two episodes of volcanism in the Bigadiç borate basin and tectonic implications for western Turkey. Geol. Jour. 47 (2005) 545-570.
  • [32] N. Konak, Simav dolayının jeolojisi ve metamorf kayaçlarının evrimi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri, 3 (1982) 313-337.
  • [33] T. Ercan, A. Dinçel, S. Metin, A. Türkecan, E. Günay, Uşak yöresindeki neojen havzaların jeolojisi. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 21 (1978) 97-106.
  • [34] R.W. Le Maitre, A classification of ıgneous rocks and glossary of terms. Recommendations of the IUGS Commission on the systematics of Igneous rocks. Oxford: Black well (1989).
  • [35] T.N. Irvine, W.R.A. Baragar, A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks. Can. J. Earth Sci. 8 (1971) 523-548.
  • [36] H.R. Rollinson, Using Gochemical Data: Evaluation, Pressentation, Interpretation. Longman Scientific&Technical, New York (1992) 252.
  • [37] T. Koralay, İncesu İgnimbiritnin (Kayseri) jeolojisi, petrolojisi ve ayırtman özellikleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Üniversitesi Enstitüsü, Ankara (2006).
  • [38] S. Sun, W.F. McDonough, Chemical isotopic systematic of oceanic basalts: implications for mantle compositions and processes. Magmatism in the Oceanic Basins, A.D. Saunders and M.J. Norry (eds) . J. Geol. Soc. London. 42 (1989) 313-345.
  • [39] J.A. Pearce, Role of the sub-continental lithosphere in magma genesis at active continental margins. Continental Basalts and Mantle Xenoliths, C.J. Hawkesworth and M.J. Norry (eds), Shiva, Cheshire (1983) 230-249.
  • [40] J.B. Gill, Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tectonics. Springer, Berlin (1981) 390
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Kalkan

Yahya Ozpinar

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Submission Date July 30, 2017
Acceptance Date February 6, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kalkan, M., & Ozpinar, Y. (2018). Civanadağ Bölgesi (Güğü-Balıkesir) Piroklastik Kayaçlarının Jeolojik, Petrografik ve Jeokimyasal Özellikleri, KB-Türkiye. Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(2), 95-115.
Aksaray J. Sci. Eng. | e-ISSN: 2587-1277 | Period: Biannually | Founded: 2017 | Publisher: Aksaray University |