Jamal Khatib profile image
Jamal Khatib Prof. Dr. Beirut Arab University
Publication 1 Review 4
1 Publication
4 Review

Research Fields

Civil Engineering


Jamal Khatib, BEng, MEng(Sc), PhD, CEng, EUR ING, FICE, FHEA, PG.Cert. Ed, PG.Cert. PjtMgt, Cert. EnvMgt, MIEI(till 2015), M-EPSRC, MEPC, MIRED, SMUACSEE, MOIA, is presently Professor of Civil Engineering, Faculty Engineering at Beirut Arab University (BAU)-Lebanon and Emeritus Professor of the University of Wolverhampton (UoW)–UK. His academic career began in 1987 as a Research Student/Assistant/Fellow, at the University of Aberdeen. In 1994 he moved to take another Research Fellow post at the University of South Wales (USW) until 1997. He then took a permanent position as a L/Senior Lecturer (Assistant Prof) in Civil Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU). During that time and due to research collaboration with IMUST-China, he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor in 2001. After 9 years at SHU, he moved to the UoW as a Reader (Associate Prof) in Civil Engineering and became a Professor in July 2012. He achieved the Chartered Engineer status of the Institution of Civil Engineer (ICE) in 2010, the European Engineer status (EUR ING) in 2015 and the Fellowship status of the ICE in 2016. In July 2021, he became Member of EPSRC Peer Review College. Areas of research specialism include a number of sustainable construction materials themes: a) use of waste in the production of construction materials, b) novel construction materials (e.g. metakaolin), c) concrete subjected to harsh environments, d) lightweight and self-compacting concrete and e) behaviour of structural materials. Prof Khatib was one of the early UK researchers who conducted research on metakaolin as partial substitution of cement and his publications in this area have been extensively cited. The products of his extensive research activities have been comprehensively disseminated through: over 500 refereed academic journal & conference papers, text books, abstracts, research seminars and workshops; articles and features. According to the ISI Web of Science, Scopus & Google Scholar Prof Khatib has an H-index of 30, 33 and 46 respectively. In October 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, Stanford University classified Prof Khatib as top 2% (actually top 0.25%) researchers in the world in the building and construction field (https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/2). Microsoft Academic classified Prof Khatib as one of the top authors in cement (G-Index:18). According to Google scholar Prof Khatib has over 10,000 citations and many of his papers were ranked as top 25 articles. He acts as a reviewer to over 250 academic journals, book publishers & others. He sits on the technical committees of over 100 international conferences. Publons (Web of Science) classified Prof Khatib as top 1% reviewers globally. He is an Editorial Board member of many academic Journals including the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor roles. Prof Khatib was a submitting member for the RAE/REF 1996/2001/2008/2014.


Beirut Arab University




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